She approaches the door, greatly anticipating all that God has waiting for her behind it, in the sisters who fill the room: who each one is and what each carries in her vat of experience. Her heart is hopeful, daring to believe the Father is who He says He is and truly has unimaginable goodness in store for her. The door opens, she is embraced in full force with acceptance, warmth, hugs and hand shakes, smiles and laughter. As she is ushered in with gentle guidance and finds her way to be seated she cannot hardly contain the growing excitement for the next hours of her life. The unfamiliarity is refreshing and welcomed. A swirl of emotions surrounds her, memories of a child-like freedom of "self", fully accepting who she is in this moment in time. She is unsure of what force would accurately represent her heart in this setting: Tears? Laughter? Singing? Squealing? Oh, how silly and comfortable this place is. "This must be what home feels like," she thinks. "Oh, God! Are you really doing this? Is this actually happening? Finally...after all these years of yearning, asking...begging?....thank you."
An invitation to the Father is released: His presence, His prophetic voice, His heart. At the first strum, her heart settles in a warmth of safety it has missed for more years than she can remember. "Yes! This is worship." She relaxes in her seat as she soaks in the melody of voices in unison lifting raw, unpolished, unpracticed offerings to the One who determines beginning and end. Ah, the power of this moment.
Moving from song to speech, the warmth remains. Her heart is expectant and slightly unnerved at the thought of pulling off one layer of the shell of her heart to be exposed and voiced. As the room is circled, her unsettledness eases. Shame and regret are foreign to this circle. In their place is redemption and acceptance. The marks of those who are loved and know it. As she speaks her heart moves to her mouth and tears to her eyes. Her words swarm around her head, and her eyes are met with empathy and love. The experience of her eyes is solidified by words of prophetic pictures and interjection of the Father's love. Immediately her heart is more plump, filled to the brim; she feels more alive than she did 3 minutes before. Unsure of what exactly just transpired, she whispers, "If this is what You had in mind, I receive it."
Within a matter of hours the normalcy and the wretched paradigm in which she once developed her world around was changing...shifting...flipping upside down.
She inhaled deeply and closed her eyes. "I am ready," she whispered to the One who held her every moment, "I am ready for this."
I read this whenever you first posted it, and I thought I left a little encouraging comment, but apparently not! I love this, MaryBeth. :) I think so many women can relate to this exact moment. :)