Jun 4, 2010

Summer in the City!

What a crazy month May was! Retreats, banquets, babies born (Clara Bailey-in picture), family visiting, summer finally arriving in Colorado (hallelujah tan!). I have been greatly enjoying my life, although I am still in a quest to find the "sweet spot" for time with Jesus. I pray more than I think I have in my whole life, but I miss the hours I used to have to meditate, worship, read, listen and talk to God. BUT He is Faithful and I sense His grace in this season of my life. I just picked up my most favorite fiction book Redeeming Love by Francine Rivers (I recommend this to women who are or have been married). So I'm immersed in one of the greatest love stories I've ever heard....again. I read this book a couple of years ago and as soon as I was done I had an overwhelming need to see the movie...problem is: there is no movie based on this book. Sad. It is loosely based on the story of Hosea and will expand your ideas about God's love for you.
I am also participating in a 40 day fast for DSM (aka: Desperation Student Ministries, formerly TAG), which is the youth group at New Life. This fast is leading up to the June Desperation Conference and we are asking God for a generation of young people who are desperate to live their lives for Him! I am also praying for breakthrough in my own life...which God is always faithful to bring, even though it is painful and often I regret praying that prayer in those moments of agony. But His grace is sufficient for me.

MaryBella can now say, "Ba ba ba" and "Ma ma ma" and "Da da da". It is SO precious to hear her little voice attempt to speak English :) She is a tiny person! Her personality is really starting to show: she is still very laid back and easy going until she's hungry. She is very vocal and is constantly communicating with us in one fashion or another. And a few things excite her every time she encounters them: her daddy, getting in the carseat, getting out of the carseat, mommy being silly, and BATH time! She is such a sweet girl and she lights up my days.
Well, that's the scoop on the poop. I will post pics of the family visit next time (after Tyrel uploads them).
Much love!

PS. I welcome feedback...it gets lonely in this blogging world when I don't hear from people :) Thank you Callie for your faithful comments...haha.


  1. i did a double-take when i first looked at your blog and then in my head was like, "hey, that's my baby"...i think i need more sleep :)

  2. MaryBella is absolutely beautiful! I read "Redeeming Love" last year and was just thinking about reading it again. Such an amazing book and I too wish there was a movie!

  3. I love this little girl!! she looks so much like Tyrel :P I got Nicole reading Redeeming Love this past week, and she's loving it (of course!)! I'm in the middle of reading Dana Candler's 'Mourning for the Bridegroom' and I think of you often :) I went back today and reread some things in it and this was one of my highlighted quotes "Love longs in absence and does not settle into separation." seems like that's just where your heart is, and I know the Lord is overwhelmed and captivated by it. :) love you oh so much!

  4. The post you have made over here is really nice and the pictures of your baby are so cute.
